Sound and Vibration Vibration

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Questions or comments for Mark

The cosmos is made of energy, oscillating incessantly as unique vibration. There is mechanical, physical vibration defined as:

A. the oscillating, reciprocating, or other periodic motion of a rigid or elastic body or medium forced from a position or state of equilibrium.

B. the analogous motion of the particles of a mass of air or the like, whose state of equilibrium has been disturbed, as in transmitting sound.

And there is the vibration of the all that is, the fabric of all form, pure Love.

Both have relevance to the Sound Alchemist. The mechanical nature of Sound as vibration was examined in the Physics of Sound and shall be explored more in the next lesson on frequency and pitch.

It is to the pure vibration of the All That Is that we shall focus on in this lesson. From the microscopic to macroscopic, we shall look at the impressive power of intention, the fields of subtle energy that fabricate life, some relevant frequencies, and explore how vibration interacts with vibration.

Atomic Structure (briefly)

The picture at left shows the traditional Bohr model of the atom. This is the vibrating form we have been taught. New information is revealing itself that is relevant to our work. This comes from the channeled work of Kryon through Lee Carrol. In the center of the atom, “you will be overwhelmed with the light there, for there is light created. There are elements of photons there. The nucleus is obvious. It vibrates. The electrons which surround it, we have called the electron haze, are at a vast atomic distance from the center. This is why you have heard physicists say that most all matter is made of space…seeming nothingness.

At the center of the atom with the nucleus surrounding you, you can barely see the electrons far away. In atomic structure, the relationships of the parts and the sizes makes it really hard to understand how much space there is between the orbiting electrons and yet there is something profound about it all, with trillions and trillions of atoms all patched together: not one electron invades the space of the other atoms.

One electron does not interfere with another…telling you, Human being, that there has to be something in the space that holds it all together. That’s the quantumness of atomic structure, or the multidimensional attributes. It is a multidimensional soup, filled with instructions and energy.”

Just let that resonate. This information and the understanding are contained in your own DNA. Open up to it. Honestly, you will know what to do with it, how to apply it to yourself, how to infuse it in your work. Life is not isolated. Everything relates to everything. The multiverse is aligned with life, prone to creating it, set up to make it manifest. We are woven into the fabric of the all that is. Enjoy this…Oneness

DNA (a bit more)

We touched on DNA in the previous lesson. Here is some more information that will assist you Alchemist, in immersing with the wholeness to find the place of healing and balance.

Contemporary science still holds to the acceptance of two strands of active DNA with the other 10 being “junk”. These times are revealing new information, again through the channel of Kryon, “Let me take you to the interior of the DNA itself and reveal to you the esoterics and the love that this process has within it. For more than chemistry, this DNA event defines the core of sacred life, the love of God within the Universe, mixed with dimensional confluences and the joy of creation. DNA is the crossroads of God and human, the mixture of quantum and non-quantum, and it vibrates with the essence of the truth of the cosmos.”

Additionally, “DNA is the antenna of the body, listening for the profundities of your epiphanies, the breakthroughs in the tight fabric of fear and frustration. It measures the heights of your joy, the peaks of your passion, and sees the smile on your face as you finally understand that the pathway to God has always been open and available to you. It responds by orchestrating cellular structure to enhance who you are, and to complement your life on Earth. It uses each layer of its own magnificence in the perfect ways that will create the soup of healing, a confluence of love creation, and an honoring of the Human Being’s intent. Finally, Human Beings are beginning to understand the Mastery within!”

The “junk” contains the instructions for life, the Big Life. Kryon says there are 12 layers of DNA all interwoven in multi-dimensional relationship. The layers have always been available but have honestly been waiting for the right vibration to blossom into consciousness. Well, that vibration is here.

Layers of DNA according to Kryon

A Note on DNA Activation

Waves and Particles

All matter is made of many small particles that are always moving, according to particle theory. In solids, liquids, and gases, these particles vibrate continually in varying directions, speed and intensity. They transfer energy to interact with matter.

The transference of energy from one particle within the medium to another creates a disturbance over time, or a wave. These waves, or particles operating in wave mode swing between two points in a rhythmic motion, or oscillation. The oscillations create fields, which can create more fields. The fields can create effects in other objects, and be affected itself, in turn. A field stimulates oscillations in an atom which, then makes its own waves and fields, forcing change in the wave that started it all. Waves can be consciously or incidentally be added or subtracted…resulting in an energy healing

Good health occurs when an organism and its components (cells, organs, etc) vibrate at optimum functioning. Compromised health is opposite. External vibration or energy also effects organisms. Internal vibrations subjected to disruptive vibrations suffer.

When an alchemist intentionally uses a frequency (specific pitch measured in hertz) to positively effect another frequency to bring the organism into balance, he is using vibrational medicine.

When one object vibrates at the same natural frequency as another object forcing it into balance they are in resonance, which is a state of health.

When the entire organism is in rhythm with itself the system is entrained.

Sound Alchemist Applications

Personal Applications

Questions for Reflection

Let’s Take a Journey

Intention is a mind set, a focus, a projection of awareness toward a desired outcome or object. The act of intending sets in motion the forces necessary to manifest an outcome. When one sets an intention before action, it aligns the energies that will support the path to fruition. A healer’s intention is significant. Intending the client’s health opens the alchemist to the specific guidance that, from a multitude of sources, leads to resolution of the conflict. Personal fields interact and exchange information.

Intention implies also that the alchemist trust the resulting guidance. The alchemist commits to the intention on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The results reflect the level of commitment. Adjustment may be necessary en route to solution.

Additionally, the greater the level of the alchemist’s integrity, the more solid the bedrock upon which the intention is founded. The resultant energy supercharges the intention to be particularly potent.

Intention creates a vibration that can be ridden to make manifest the healing. You are invited to make intention the first step in any of your actions. It will help you bypass many wayward journeys.

Some Things to Know (click to expand)

Vibration in the Body

Nature of Energy

Energy Fields

Energy Bodies

Channels of Energy

The Nature of Vibration

Vibrational Partnership

The Vibration of These Times (2014)

Personal Vibration

Vibration in Nature

Additional Resources

Sound Healing History l  Contemporary Sound Healers  l  Physics of Sound  l  Esoterics of Sound  l  Cymatics  l  Sacred Geometry  l  Vibration  l  Frequency and Pitch  l  Intervals  l  Scales and Keys  l  Hearing and Listening