Vibration in Nature

As we are in a beautiful symbiotic relationship with Earth, the shifts in her energy are always felt by us whether we believe it or not. The Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz is the frequency of the earth that is duplicated in our DNA. This frequency produces an ongoing brainwave state for all the planetary inhabitants between theta and alpha. Interesting to note that the noise and electromagnetic pollution of civilization interferes with the reception of this soothing frequency. Additionally, as the earth is raising in vibration as well in these times of healing and remembering, the Schumann resonance has actually increased to a bit over 11 Hz in the past 25 years. Our relationship is inviting us to reawaken together…

Going into Nature is a well established way to slow down the frenetic and stressful life that we lead. Our vibration is balanced by a host of frequencies of the oceans, water, the mountains, deserts, forests, gardens and power spots.

Vibrationally, water can bind lower frequency energy, clearing our energy bodies and chakras. The ocean produces negative ions which

The Earth herself is a mighty grounding force. Conscious connection activates the conduit of strengthening and cleansing energy that flows through the Earth Star Chakra (18” below the feet) into us 24/7. Your vibration can change by walking barefoot on the Earth, laying down on the ground, and getting your hands or feet into the soil. The healing qualities of the minerals and stones are well established. Any stone you are drawn too has a message energetically for you. Pick it up or touch it to experience the vibrational change. Each environment scenario has an energy about it. The seashore feels very different than the mountains or the desert. Each has a frequency that speaks loudly to those who choose to listen.

The weather stirs us and forces change. It nourishes us or clears away that which we are hesitant to deal with. The vibration of storms can be felt electrically. The smell of rain and the negative ions is soothing. “Weather events” are the Earth’s way of cleansing a specific locale of low frequency vibration. The human past in an area leaves energetic debris and woundings that must be cleared. Negativity and fear based thinking impacts the physical vibrations of an area. The Earth cleanses through storm, wind, fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, volcano, and earthquake. Sooner than later humans are going to claim the connection and realize that the thinking within us, how we are to one another, how we are to the Earth, to the animals, the plants, must be cleansed and realigned to mutual love and respect.

The plant kingdoms dramatically impact our vibration by producing the very oxygen we need to sustain life. And still, knowing this, the widespread rape of the forests and the wild use of pesticides are normal for the bottom line conscious corporations. The drug industry has a hand in destroying the very plants that are the primary ingredients for the real healing power of their creations. The challenge and stress to the plant kingdom is felt by all humans. Our vibration shifts . Choosing to respect and nurture this plant world only raises our personal vibration to one of cooperation with life. The plants produce so many substances that are the foundation of herbology, homeopathy, aromatherapy, Bach flower remedies, etc…all viable healing modalities that raise the vibration of the recipient into health.

The animal kingdom feeds us, comforts us, protects us, inspires us, sacrifices for us. The vibration of the animal is in the very food we eat. Indigenous peoples recognized this and made peace with the animal before slaughter…then used every bit of the meat, hide, sinew, and bone in a mutual respect and honoring. Contrast this to the stock yards and slaughter houses that use brutality to shock the life out of animals. This vibration of terror is contained in the very meat that is placed on our tables. Free range animals are healthier and happier and of higher vibration.

Pets provide the vibration of loyalty, unconditional love, acceptance, protection, and joy. All of which, raise the vibration of whoever is around them.

The vibration of nature is love. We must treat the whole of the natural world with the same…to insure survival of the species. The folly of humans is that they think they can destroy the earth…not so. The Earth will live long and prosper…long after we have gone…so let’s choose to be stewards of this precious home…now.