Session One: The Nature of Sound and Vibration

Nature of Vibration        Breath        Voice        Toning        Chakra Clearing        Chants        Mantras        Spoken Word          Energy Maintenance

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All is vibration.The vibration creates energy. We are composed of energy. Our energy bodies oscillate at an ideal frequency of health, if we allow them to do so. Allowing them to do so requires awareness, observation, and maintenance. The more we take care of our energy bodies then the more balanced we shall be. In balance we have all of our capacities available to live fully in the moment.

Tending the energy bodies requires a shift in understanding of our make up. Self care as far as rest, exercise, nutrition, hydration, healthy thinking, inner time, and conscious stress reduction all support the general health of the body vehicle. Additional techniques are necessary to tend the specifics of the energetic design. To that end I will offer some suggested tools

As a Sound Alchemist, being in your presence and power result in greater clarity and sensitivity to address the deeper needs of the client in front of you

Some notes on energy anatomy


Our energetic boundaries are necessary to keep our frequency in balance. The external world consistently makes energetic demands upon us. Energy cords from people depleted send out cords to use our energy. The aura picks up lower frequency energies like a magnet as it moves through the moments of living with others and in other environments. Strong, well-maintained boundaries allow us to stay in our own balance, clarity, and power.

Set your boundaries whenever you go outside and are around people. Speak your birth name out loud seven times. Or use the Tibetan mantra Hung Vajra Peh spoken aloud seven times. Each fortifies your aura by setting a sphere of light and color and intention around you.

Working with Your Energy

Click on any of the topics below for some specific tools

Now that I have finished the Introduction
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