Aura Clearing

Tending to the auric energy field is a priority for anyone intending to be in access of their clarity and power. Becoming sensitive to energy and how it impacts you may be one of the best things you can do for yourself. This sensitivity heightens your inner awareness as well, to be able to hear the callings of the body to release and let go of held energies from the past. The more you let go the more you live in the moment, responding to the forms of life as they are called forth.

There are several ways that you can keep your auric field in alignment.

  1. Raking the Aura
    Using your hands, or asking someone to do this to you, start at the top and rake downward in a complete motion. Any attachments to your aura will be raked out. Shake your hands at the bottom and send the debris into the Earth. Then go back to the top and start again. If possible, do this all around your body (this is where someone else doing it would be better). Do this daily as going about your life provides a host of opportunities to pick up energetic muck. After you are complete you can fluff your aura. This invigorating exercise is done by using the fingers as a rake to move from the feet to the crown. Doing so will expand the aura and make it glisten vibrationally
  2. Binding in Water
    Energy of lower frequency binds into water. That’s why a shower at the end of the day is a great idea. While showering , or swimming, visualize and intend that any energy that no longer serves you be released and cleansed.
  3. Using rattles, bowls, and bells
    Sound tools are very powerful in loosening energetic attachments to your auric fields. Rattles are multi frequency. Shake them from the top of your head downward to bind the energy into the earth. A variety of rattles will allow you to use multiple frequencies on your field…a better cleanse. Tibetan bowls are better than single pitched quartz bowls  for auric cleansing as they have a host of harmonics to make them richer and more capable of binding multiple frequencies. Finally, a variety of bells work well to cast off lower frequency garbage, especially in the upper chakras
  4. Nature time
    Taking a walk in the woods, going to the beach, getting out in the desert expanse are very useful for clearing off low frequency muck in your aura. Consciously give permission for the release to take place. Make sure that you put light, color, or intention back into place in your auric field that you intuit were releasing.
  5. Smudging
    A Native American tradition of power, smudging involves using herbs, (White sage, sage, sweetgrass, and cedar) to smoke out the auric field. Light the herb and holding it in front of your body, allow the smoke to rise. Sweep the smoke up over your head. Move the bundle( or abalone shell) up and down the body on all sides. Do your palms and the souls of your feet. Be sensitive, because you can feel the shift as you feel the smoke sweep through your energy fields. Adding the olfactory element makes this doubly effective as a cleanser.