Session One: The Nature of Sound and Vibration

Resonance, entrainment, and harmonics are sound elements that, when applied, will result in a maintenance of healthy frequencies in the energy bodies. When specific areas within the body slow their rate of vibration due to suppressed release of energetic events the result is that the body begins to seek our conscious attention to clear them. We can create a sound with our voice, an instrument, or a sound source, to resonate with the area to entrain it back to the frequency of health. We will explore this technique in the lesson on toning.

Basically, you can train your awareness to recognize and respond to sound frequencies that get your attention. These frequencies are  not necessarily “bad” as they may reflect the body’s wisdom that says this frequency is needed to help clear some toxic energy. In other words, your guidance has brought this to you for use in cleansing. Dissonance is a threshold for change. Work with it. More on this when we work with the voice.

If you resonate with the model of how we store energetic woundings, especially in the chakra areas, then this course will help you to regain your energetic center. It is an ongoing process of clearing, first the old, and then, upon this cleaner energetic slate, the moment to moment vibrations that reach us through personal responses to what life gives us to work with. We will learn to clear the chakras in a future lesson.

There would be great value in honing your awareness of sound and vibration to assist you in tuning your earthly vehicle, your body. Let us explore through a variety of focused activities.

  1. Begin to see the world and everything in it as vibration. Listen for clues. Sensitize your hands to feel the oscillations in objects. Use your receptive left hand, bringing it close to an object and feeling for a sensation. Stay with this as attention will bring results.
  2. Now draw your focus to your own inner self and your energy bodies. Pay attention to any information from the body: itches, pains, twitches, aches, numbness, tingling, etc. These are body callings to release energetic toxins. Note the location of the sensation. Note the repetition and frequency and intensity. Make a log. You can use this information later with the techniques you learn. Make this awareness a part of your moment to moment living. Just assign a piece of your consciousness to the activity.
  3. Culturally, we are not supported in clearing the moments of living. The unspoken words, the frustrations, the longings, the strong emotions that go unexpressed find a waiting home inside. They will continue to pull your vibration down unless you attend to the nuances of calling. Make it your charge to clear that which must be cleared. It is not truly necessary to go to the source. In fact, it can be more cleansing to simply find a safe place where you will not be interrupted and speak what you must with the necessary emotion. Doing it alone removes the possibility of interference or patterns playing out. From this point, do not go to bed with anything unspoken. Clear it...and then celebrate the results that will bless you.
  4. what goes on around you. Make note of places that are auditorily challenging and ones that are soothing. Spend more time, if possible, in the latter. Begin to gather music that serves your spirit and nourishes your vibration. Put on nature ambiances in your home to experience vicariously if you are unable to access the real thing.
  5. Protect your ears and nurture your voice. Keep earplugs around if you find yourself in loud places often. Holding on to the unspoken diminishes the health of the throat. Sore throats are often the unprocessed calling for attention.
  6. Start playing with your voice by making sound. Like a newborn, just make sound to begin to see the incredible variety of tonalities you can make. Know that each of these has potential to support your energetic bodies.
  7. Make a point to listen and view all of the YouTube videos as they nicely augment the information shared. As you can see, in this course, I am more interested in giving you tools to use now to change and maintain your vibration. If you choose, you can get much deeper into both information and activity. You are opening up to experiencing the world in a new way. Enjoy the journey!

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“Every cell within our body is a sound resonator. It has the capability of responding to any other sound outside of the body. Every organ, in which the cells of like vibration have gathered to form it, will respond as a group  to particular sound vibrations. The various systems in the body will also respond to sound vibrations, as will various emotional, mental, and spiritual states of consciousness. The human body is a bio-electrical system created in varying frequencies through muscular actions and can be altered, strengthened, or balanced through the intentional use of sound.”
-Sacred Sounds, Ted Andrews

YouTube videos of specific frequencies. Listen to each and pay attention to your response. Many are sacred frequencies recently recovered. Some are just to monitor your response.

Earth Body frequency 528 Hz
Frequency 528 Hz DNA repair
Frequency 741 Hz Consciousness and Intuition Activation
936 Hz Pineal Gland Activator
1111 Hz Deepening
396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear
639Hz Connecting/Relationships
432 Hz The Power of YOU
417 Hz Transmutation
285 Hz Quantum Cognition
Sound Medicine
Chinese Music

Nature of Vibration        Breath        Voice        Toning        Chakra Clearing        Chants        Mantras        Spoken Word          Energy Maintenance

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Listen to the Mark Stanton Welch songs on the player above. They will help you continue to open your vibration to be receptive to integrating your power.
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