the creations of Mark Stanton Welch

Angel singing over the world

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What Will a Vibrational Attunement Consist of?

your compilation CDs will include:

  1. 2  subliminal recordings: one of nature sounds and one of an original  instrumental created in the ideal frequency to amplify and facilitate your intention. Your voice speaking as well as my voice speaking your statements to you will be subliminally placed under the bed of music.
  2. 2  audible recordings. The above two music beds with all spoken voices audible.
  3. Binaural Beat music to align your brainwaves for ideal receptivity
  4. A Super Subliminal recording using a variety of techniques simultaneously for superb results
  5. personal mantric treatment: spoken or sung mantra that supports your intention
  6. sung chant to support your intention and relax the mental chatter
  7. intuited rhythmic piece for movement to get the intention and vibration into your cells
  8. Additional recorded original songs to support your intention
  9. A bonus recording of Mark speaking specific and powerful proclamations to further refine your inner thinking and belief system

What Else Comes with a Vibrational Attunement?

Into the fire to burn away the energetic residue of holding on...Links   l   Policies  I  Report Web Site Issues  I  Back to Top

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Man playing guitar with superimposed sound waves moving outward from him

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Sample One: I Statements Sample

Sample Two: You Statements Sample

Sample Three: Dual Statements Sample

These are taken from actual completed attunements. The process keeps evolving as I learn more about the subtleties of affirmative statements and intentional manifestation. The second sample was done for the inner child of the client, something I had not considered in the beginning. Each situation is unique and may require the creation of a new strategy. Contact me so we can talk about your unique requirements…Mark Stanton Welch

Once the Attunement is set in motion with Mark there is an up front installment of $200. The final installment of $295 is due upon completion of the Attunement.

Click here to access the Payment Portal
where those investments can be made.

Vibrational Attunement Special 4 Monthly
Payments of $125. Contact Mark to initiate this.

33% Discount through
March 31, 2023

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