Ten Tips to Incorporate Intentional Song, Chant, and Mantra into your experiences with older teens…

1.   All three are short and repetitious. They can be used as a transitional tool to get a focus or move into another activity.

2.   Chants divert the mind into a clear focus away from distracting random thoughts.

3.   Mantras carry a specific energetic frequency of intention. Aligning it with your talk/lesson or exercise amplifies the experience and contributes to a powerful, memorable time.

4.   Intentional songs can help shift negative thinking patterns. Singing it a lot allows the message to integrate into the subconscious, initiating new belief and action.

5.   Use chant/intentional song/mantra to initiate rhythm and movement. Children of all ages love to move. Moving integrates learning into the cells. If one is blocked in their willingness to move, one way to dissolve the blockages is to move. All movement to continue until each rediscovers their inner rhythm. There are no right steps.

6.   Mantras and chants can be used to explore cultural and spiritual traditions and practices.

7.   Chanting singing together unifies groups and communities. Performing chants in front of the congregation is an opportunity to face fears and achieve personal success collectively.

8.   All three can be used to create ritual in a class or program or event. We always start with this chant. We always end with this mantra. Familiarity creates safety and a willingness to take risks.

9.   The voice is the chimney to the second chakra fireplace of life experience. Singing/chanting can indirectly and purposefully assist in clearing energetic debris of the past in the participants, without even knowing what is happening.

10.   Chanting/singing/mantra all raise vibration into higher frequencies. In these places one is alert, calm, intuitive, inquisitive, open, connected, and willing to explore.

Enjoy the experience and the adventure!