Larghissimo — very, very slow (20 bpm and below)
Grave — slow and solemn (20-40 bpm)
Lento — very slow (40–60 bpm)
Largo — very slow (40–60 bpm), like lento
Larghetto — rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
Adagio — slow and stately (literally, “at ease”) (66–76 bpm)
Adagietto — rather slow (70–80 bpm)
Andante — at a walking pace (76–108 bpm)
Andante Moderato — a bit faster than andante
Andantino – slightly faster than andante
Moderato — moderately (101-110 bpm)
Allegretto — moderately fast (but less so than allegro)
Allegro moderato — moderately quick (112–124 bpm)
Allegro — fast, quickly and bright or “march tempo” (120–139 bpm)
Vivace — lively and fast (˜140 bpm) (quicker than allegro)
Vivacissimo — very fast and lively
Allegrissimo — very fast
Presto — very fast (168–200 bpm)
Prestissimo — extremely fast (more than 200bpm)

Songs with tempos between 70-76 imply mercy, grace, kindness, poise & benevolence.

Songs that align with the heartbeat between 60 and 76 bpm are very useful in healing music composition. 120 BPM is common for up tempo rock, county and blues. Use it to lift one out of lethargy. 90 BPM as a derivative of 60 is useful. Your best guide is your own feel. The correct beat for your song will be felt first…you will just know it. When in the presence of a client and you are presenting intentional music, start at their heartbeat and then massage their energy.

Altering tempos from slow to middle to fast can be useful in working energy to shake out debris. Moods create openings and a willingness to release. Experiment.

GENRE BPM RANGE (though most of these styles are not considered healing music, faster tempos and different styles may be the very thing that speaks to a younger person, thus opening receptivity and willingness to be engaged)

Hip Hop/Rap/Trip-Hop 60-110 BPM

Acid Jazz 80-126 BPM

Tribal House 120-128 BPM

House/Garage/Euro-Dance/Disco- House 120-135 BPM

Trance/Hard House/Techno 130-155 BPM

Breakbeat 130-150 BPM

Jungle/Drum-n-Bass/Happy Hardcore 160-190 BPM