
To invoke is to call forth in the name of something, an idea, a Deity, a person, a vibration. Invocations have been used for centuries in Pagan and Goddess practices in spells and intentional processes. Traditional religions have invoked specific etheric beings tied to their beliefs and dogma to show up in a certain capacity. Often one intends that the qualities of the one being invoked become available to the invoker or are applied to the situation at hand.

These invocations have been created in alignment with the Chakra Immersion Series I am in process of making manifest. Each of the seven CDs addresses one of the in body chakras with a complete CD of sounds, frequencies, intentional songs, rhythms, affirmations, and invocations. These invocations are based on the idea that there are Seven rays emanating from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy. These rays are overseen by an Ascended Master (one who has incarnated in the Earth Plane many times and ascended in their last life. They chose to dwell fifth dimensionally to assist in the ascension of the Earth and her human inhabitants), an Archangel Pair (masculine and feminine expressions of a particular frequency and qualities that are available at the call), and Elohim (lesser angels who are dispense the frequencies of the ray as guided by the Ascended Master and overseen by the Archangel pair, to the humans on Earth).

What follows are some of the invocations created. Use them as you desire. Some are actually in song form from the root and the sacral chakra cds that are complete and available.

Ascended Master Serapis Bey Invocation

Serapis Bey is Lord of the White Ray, the Fourth of the Seven Rays. It empowers the qualities of joy, hope, discipline, purity and excellence. Call upon him to assist you in gaining mastery of the root, thus maintaining solid foundation and center upon which to meet the moments of life.

Serapis Bey, bathe me in the White Ray
Serapis Bey,  bathe me in the White Ray

Keep me solid on earth To let the Flame ascend

Through purity, joy And discipline

Guide the I AM Light From root to crown

So pure I’ll live the Here and Now


Elohim Purity and Astrea Invocation

Assist in the dispensation of the ray in the physical universe. Purity holds the Divine Pattern of the perfection of the Christ for all that is manifest in form, focusing the white fire that is in the heart of every sun and atom—the pure white Light out of which emanates the seven rays of Christ Consciousness. Astrea wields the cosmic circle and sword of the blue flame to keep all from anything that opposes the divine plan held in the heart of Purity.

Purity Astrea Elohim

Purity Astrea Elohim

Hold the Divine pattern Of the Christ

To manifest Pure Form Into my life

Wield the cosmic circle

And the Sword of the Blue Flame

To keep me free and flowing

I sing the Holy Name

Ascended Master St. Germain Invocation

St Germain is Lord of the Violet Ray, the Seventh of the Seven Rays. He invites transformation through inner alchemy and ceremony to regain personal freedom. Call upon him to assist you in transforming any energy into its highest form. He and the ray will assist you in gaining clarity about your spiritual path.

Calling St Germain
Bring the Seventh Ray
Transform me with the Violet Flame

Calling St Germain
Bring the Purple Ray
Return me to my one true name
Oversee the Age of Aquarius
Let your alchemy transmute man
Lay me in the arms of liberation
Teach me mercy free my soul
To embrace the I AM plan

Elohim Arcturus and Victoria Invocation

Assist in the dispensation of the seventh ray in the physical universe. They bring freedom, ritual invocation, transmutation, transcendence, mercy and the desire to make all things new. Call upon them and the violet flame to transmute any situation, pain, loss, wounding through the alchemical power of the word. Sing them into your personal presence.

Arcturus and Victoria Elohim to St Germain
Arcturus and Victoria To serve and radiate the Violet Flame
Blessed teachers  bring me freedom
Kiss of Mercy free my soul
Blessed I Am through thy witness
Cleanse all past pain
Make me whole now make me whole

Ascended Master Lady Nada Invocation
You are the master of devotion
I call upon you bring me peace
In the service of the Christ Light
Give the gift of joy I seek

Bring me clarity of vision
Through the Christ Eyes let me see
Now cleanse the stream of blind religion
Flood the peace and joy through me

Lady Nada Lady Nada Lady Nada

Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia
Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia (3x)

Penetrate Planet Earth with the emerald ray and the All Seeing Eye of God to heal the nations, their economies and their peoples. Move into action now to halt the creation and spreading of harmful viruses and microbes, all germ warfare, and all misuse of music, technology, and science, including genetic engineering and cloning. Affix to my soul my divine blueprint. Help me to manifest this blueprint and to fulfill my mission in life to the Glory of God in service. And so it is

Root Chakra Immersion CD

Sacral Chakra Immersion CD.

Solar Plexus Chakra Immersion CD.