Week Thirty Six
Step Back to See Things As They Are

I use a saying, a truth as far as I am concerned, that nothing is as it seems. There is always a bigger picture, a higher perspective. When we are stressed or not solid on the earth in our body, we have a tendency to be scattered and reactive. This state can steer us in the direction of chaos when we are too quick to take care of what is before us. When we get grounded we pause before we act.

When we are not being run by old thinking and limiting beliefs then we can access the deeper truth of us. From this place we are able to address the moment with clarity and discernment to make a higher frequency choice that is more aligned with the Love that we are. This usually benefits all parties involved more than they realize or could forsee.

There is an old saying of count to 10 before you speak or take action. This is actually quite useful. How many are incarcerated because of a “crime of passion”, the result of the quick flood of emotion that followed a trigger. In the case of anger that is a volatile mass of adrenaline that needs to be expressed outward. If another is there they are likely to receive the brunt of that explosion…to unfortunate circumstances.

When one recognizes that emotional situations may be triggered then one can step back and breathe. This 3 deep breaths will allow the rush of emotion to move so that greater clarity can be discerned. Acting on the rush is likely tainted and amplified by old wounds and unprocessed emotional debris. On the other side of that lies a greater understanding of what is happening and potential alternative solutions to the moment.

SO, develop the capacity to step back and breathe before you speak/respond/act and see how that allows you to reclaim the place of center. There are always alternative solutions to any situation. Energetically they are just outside of consciousness waiting to be claimed. Taking a moment allows then to be revealed to the conscious mind. Work with this idea and practice and see just how much more smoothly things can flow for you.

It is all about coming from that grounded frequency of Love…and this practice will help you access that no matter the form of the moment.

Week Thirty Seven
Take Care of Responsibilities

The moments of living flow into our awareness giving us opportunity to engage. Through these engagements we make certain decisions and commitments an then likely take action. Life can come fast into our altar of awareness. We can make agreements in one breath and lose sight of them in the next as the next thing to do becomes prominent. We always have the ability to respond, if we choose. That may seem obvious, but too often we are not of “right mind” in that we are distracted. It really is a choice. But that choice requires paying attention.

Response-abilities are time and energy and action commitments we make for whatever reason. At the point of decision we set certain energies in place and invest a bit of us. When we follow through we create the balance of flow and the circle of giving and receiving. When we don’t we create stress and invite in energies that align with that frequency instead.

In many ways this is about personal integrity. It is a matter of our word put in motion. When we follow through we are in integrity and can trust our own statements as we align others to our reliability. That reliability is a positive force that dispenses good energies upon and through you. Why not? Be responsible to your choices, commitments, and actions.

Not doing so can build up resentment in others towards us. An energy that will impact and separate. Why do this and invite in that frequency? Simply monitor what you commit to. And do it. If you find yourself making to many commitments and establishing too much responsibility, then slow down. Own what you can and are unable to do and share that with those you have made that commitment to. Better off sharing that than ignoring it and letting it fester and intensify and cost you connections.

It may not seem like much but integrity is quite an important thing. We want to flow on all levels. For that is when life “rewards” us with flow in return, making clear and easy our way. Do what you say you are going to do. Back up your word with action. Take care of all the responsibilities you have made with action or, at the very least, communication with all involved for the sake of update or adjustment.

This action will lessen any tendency to scatter…which will always cause to to start to leave your body foundation…and that can lead you to who knows what? Respond and take care of business, instead.

Week Thirty Eight
Cleanse the Chakras

Your chakra energetic system impacts your being 24/7. Tending it and maintaining the frequency of each in body chakra is essential to one’s well being. Your available energy, your clarity, your responsiveness to life are all impacted by your chakra health. Clearing them in the moment and also at the end of the day are the practices of one who is in body and fully grounded.

The clearing process for each and the system as a whole can easily become quite involved when done thoroughly. For our purposes here, let’s look at some easy and quick techniques to clear any residue energy in each chakra. Initially however, it is useful to know when a chakra is calling for clearing. The chakra will store the unexpressed energy/words from the moments of living in a thematic structure that is reliable. Each chakra holds a frequency of health and a frequency that diminishes based on the amount of withholding you do. We, as a culture, have been taught to hold on to much, from unspoken words to strong emotions. The chakras will store these energies for awhile, always attempting to contact the conscious self . If you do not listen to and respond to these callings then the contact will likely intensify as localized sensation, irritation, pain, numbness, etc. It can also show up as mood swings and even as a physical condition or disease. So, learning to pay attention to the body is the foundation of conscious chakra work.

Here are the seven in-body chakras along with some suggestions for clearing (each has a tone, a phonetic, and a statement).. Here is a link to an online tone generator. I will list the frequency for the chakra below. Find it and hit play to listen for up to 3 minutes each. Apply the phonetic to the tone with your voice to amplify the clearing effect. If the pitch is too low then go up an octave (from C3 to C4 for example) until you can hear it on your speaker. Note that the lower the frequency the greater the impact on the physical body.

  1. ROOT Chakra
    Pitch: C3
    Phonetic: Uh (love)
    Statement: At all times I remain fully in my body. All my energy fields remain clear and clean and in perfect alignment. My greatest peace and power comes when all my bodies are fully integrated and solid on the earth.
  2. SACRAL Chakra
    Pitch: D3
    Phonetic: Oooo (smooth)
    Statement: In this moment I release, on all levels, in all my energy bodies, and in all dimensions the energetic memory and toxic residue of any experience that has impacted me and diminished my vibration of Wholeness.
  3. SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra
    Pitch: E3
    Phonetic: Oh (No)
    Statement: On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of anger, power, and control, used by others on me, used by me upon others, or used by me upon myself. I now stand clearly and cleanly in my own power, confident, safe, and willing to make decisions and take action for the Highest Good of all involved.
  4. HEART Chakra
    Pitch: F3
    Phonetic: Ah (God)
    Statement: On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past relationships that did not honor me. I now choose to freely give and receive love without hesitation. I proclaim my lovability and celebrate that I am a divine expression of Love in all my moments. I bring only those beings and situations into my life who resonate in Unconditional Love. And so it is.
  5. THROAT Chakra
    Pitch: G3
    Phonetic: Eh (let)
    On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the blockages to my free verbal expression. I set free all energetic residue contained in the unexpressed soundings of any woundings, dishonorings, devaluings I have experienced in all my incarnations. I claim my ability and right to speak and claim my truth. From this moment forward I am free to express in the world.
  6. THIRD EYE Chakra
    Pitch: A3
    Phonetic: Ee (me)
    Statement: 1. On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from seeing my true worth. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I see and experience only through the eyes and heart of Love. And so it is.
  7. CROWN Chakra
    Pitch: B3
    Phonetic: Mmm (om)
    Statement: On all levels, in all dimensions, and in all my energy bodies, I now release the energetic residue of all past thoughts, illusions, and beliefs that have inhibited me from remembering my Divine Self and my constant connection to Source. I lift and release all veils over the truth of this dimension to reveal to me the beauty and love in all of life. I release all blockages to the conduit of the I Am That I Am that flows constantly into me via my opened Crown chakra. I willingly accept all the guidance, gifts, information, and inspirations that are directed to me to make easy and flowing my way through this earthly dimensional life.

Thirty Nine
Make Sure Needs are Met

Life is lived in moments. Those moments are fed by who we are in the now. Who we are in the now is an assemblage of thoughts, beliefs, patterns, unprocessed energetic residue, capacity to be aware, willingness to respond to the body, connection to the body and the Earth….you get the picture. Basically, the clearer you are then the more you are fully you. The challenge is that the clearer you become the more refined the energy to be cleared becomes, meaning that it can be hard to notice or it can be something we perceive as who we are/personality. It gets tricky as the ways we have learned do not necessarily go quietly in the night. Clarity in the early stages consists of huge leaps of faith one after the other, followed by adjustments and new actions. Even though you are you and have always been, you are becoming you in awareness so that you can “be you” in your moments.

Your needs are a fluctuating force that aligns with much of the above. We get needy when we feel separate or compromised or challenged or hurt. This is the inner child wanting to make a connection to reinforce that she is cared for and that you will be there. Many of those things we see as needs are actually perceptions and learnings that come from living  as a limited being (just a perception based on programming).

There are basic needs just for the physical: food, water, air, rest, and touch. Other needs like companionship, getting things, being liked, being successful, being healthy, etc…are based on perception. Once our physical body’s needs are met then we are capable of extreme clarity, functioning in and as the original design. The difficulty is that not many have met those needs and are seriously compromised. When the body has unmet needs the emotional, mental, and spiritual self can get taxed. This distracts us from taking care of the physical. It becomes a vicious circle where needs are not met on any level.

Take care of the physical first…period. Do that for a sustained period and you will begin to discover that so much of the needy drama just fades away and allows you to stand in your moments with clarity and power. If you start today then you will have a new life in 21 days for that is the time it takes to establish a new paradigm/belief…which will attract new and higher frequency experiences that translate into needs met. Your resourcefulness will return and you will be able to flow in a river of faith as you begin to trust life.

When we are compromised the emotions are triggered first. This will likely bring forth childhood trauma/issues about survival. The emotions not address will activate companion thoughts that are fear based claiming helplessness and not good enough. This will begin to weigh down the spirit and cause one to separate and isolate from life. Next stop is meds to take away the “pain”…with the irony here being that the “pain” is the movement of that which the body is clearing to regain the healthy state.

Now that you are aware of how needs function (fed by the past patterns and uninformed choices of the wounded child) it is time to established a way through the forest. Of course, it starts with awareness…of the physical first. For it is the body that will send the clues and the contact points…and you must listen if you want to make the changes you really are ready for.

Make a list of your physical needs…all of them. Once you have done so go back and honestly determine how you are doing with them. Are they taken care of Do you do so regularly? Do you favor food over sleep or water over food or sleep over air…in other words what are your patterns. Once you have this annotated list, then choose one to engage. Establish at least seven ways to take care of that specific need so that you will have variety and not do the “I’m bored” deception. Eventually you want to go through all the items you listed. By then you will likely be feeling the effects of being solid in the body…maybe even witnessing the reduction of symptoms that have been present for a long time.

Once you are in body then you can explore how you play out in the world…but that is for another session. Enjoy taking care of yourself!

Week Forty
Connect to Source

Source is everywhere. It is both within and without. The tradition of seeking Source outside the body, outside of you, is only a half truth. That action that has been programmed for thousands of years is an incomplete circuit, meaning it can never be completed. As an exercise in futility one has a tendency to give up and surrender power to one who is connected (in religion, supposedly the priest). Perfect activity to support you being dependent and less than, unable to contact Source on your own.

Well, dear one, the missing part of the equation is the inner connection and the interfacing of the two. You can search for Source outside and even feel like you found it (likely just an expression of it, not the complete Source) but there is nothing you can do with that until you complete the re-union. Go within to go without…

Wise is the one who will seek within to connect with the sacred. When you have reconnected with and furnished your inner home then you can entertain the outer, have the guests over, call upon the Source for dinner.

Return to your body first, grounding to the Earth. This will establish a wake up call to the inner child self, indicating that someone important is knocking at the door (your adult self). As the child grows in trust you are actually infiltrating yourself and releasing resistance to being you fully in expression. When your child surrenders control then you both can activate the heart space in full understanding.

This heart space is the portal between Inner Source and Outer Source. The Heart Space is overseen by your own Higher Self. She functions as the guide and intermediary and director and confidant and friend and the baby sitter, and teacher, and on and on. Living from the heart will provide you with an expanded foundation, built right into your already solid body connection with the Earth. Uniting the child and adult via the heart is the indicator that you are ready to plug into external Source.

For you will need a strong foundation and higher frequency to be able to integrate the combination of the two Source expressions. The expansiveness is awesome, magnificent, and what we are designed for. Your choice to move in this direction is the good faith move that will call forth your own guides and teachers to assist you along the way. The assistance really just serves to build your own inner trust to then hear the inner revelations. You are within you…and that is the soul source of your enlightenment. The God Source is already unified with all. It is you who grows in understanding and then is willing to infuse Source. When you do the Light goes on. Voila! Home at last! Go within Grasshopper. Go to your heart! Bring your child to the altar of your own magnificence and give her the keys to Now. It is time…