Solid on the Earth Archives

Week One

Earth Star Chakra

Up until recent times the Root Chakra was considered to be the main channel of connectivity to the Earth and all its strength and power. The process of raising planetary and personal vibration initiated in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence, the initiatory celestial event that began the 25 year cycle of transition into the Aquarian Age, has allowed new information to be revealed at a staggering pace. That we are able to hold the new frequencies is a direct testament to humankind’s collective growth (significant though we most often hear and see media reports showing only chaos and fear and confusion).

The revelation of the Earth Star Chakra ushers in a new frequency of connection with the Earth at a time when it is absolutely welcome and necessary. Use it to support a solid foundation during your personal challenges and shifts.

From 12 to 18 inches  below the feet there is an energetic plate, much like the flat  base of the green army men in the movie, Toy Story. Through this plate run two tubes of energy, one, on the left and entering the left foot and, one, on the right, exiting the right foot. Earth power and grounding energy flows through the Earth Star into the left foot and circulates through your body, clearing, cleansing, and energizing. That which is cleared and cleansed circulates down the right leg and out through the foot and Earth Star to be recycled.

This conduit of support runs constantly, though it is amplified when you bring your attention and focus to it. If you are aware of an area or chakra in your body that needs support visualize the energy moving through it in a left to right direction.

Being solid on the earth is to be able to live fully and flow with the unique experiences of these times. This is the first of a whole series of powerful grounding tools I shall offer. Use them. Check back regularly for a new tool...

Week Two

Breath and Breathing

Being grounded in the body is being connected to the Earth to access support and energetic power. One sure fire way to get back into the body is to focus on breathing. Breath is the elixir of life, the substance that we can least live without, for the shortest period…being that critical. The breath contains not only the vital oxygen that sustains cells and tissues and replenishes the blood stream, but also the chi, the life force, the substance that nourishes the energy bodies and flows through the body’s energetic system.

Breath can nourish, cleanse, and sustain. Deep breathing that allows the entire volume of the lung to be utilized is what is critical in the big picture. In the Western world we are devoted to getting things done. We gulp air to get the energy necessary to complete the 10, 00 things. It results in shallow breathing that does not reach the base of the lung where the greatest capacity for volume is, due to the shape/design of the lung. This type of breathing is shallow and very much accompanied by movement of the upper chest and shoulders. The Eastern world, by contrast, is more about being. Deep, slow breathing is taught regularly to children as they grow up. The capacity to get centered has been the tradition of the East where meditation, yoga, mantra, and chant have been foundational tools to reconnect with the body.

To use the breath wisely, breathe to the belly. Put your hand on the solar plexus area just below the rib cage and breathe in. Make sure the hand moves outward, which indicates that air is reaching the bottom of the lung. Breathing slowly allows the super oxygenation of the cells and tissues, slows heart rate down, allows for greater focus and clarity…on and on. You will notice quickly hen breathing this way how the world seems to brighten, the senses heighten, and a feeling of balance takes you into your solid physical self.

As infants/newborns we natural breathed in a circular way with no interruption. This allowed the full intake of oxygen/chi and supported the natural cleansing process that is our design. That cleansing, health affirming capacity shifted when we heard our first “ssshhh”, which stopped the breath. There began the storage of energy that eventually lead to dis-ease. Yes, this breathing thing is that important.  Experiment with it. Breathing quickly will energize you whole body. Breathing again in an uninterrupted circle will support the flow of emotion and assist in releasing stored energetic toxic debris. All types of breathing bring you into your body…and ground you. You will relearn how to breathe rather quickly with just a bit of focus and sustained effort.

Visualize the air moving up through the feet and sweeping the body as you inhale. As you exhale visualize that same air, now filled with energetic debris, flowing down the right foot into the Earth. Allow yourself to become solid on the Earth. Slow down, breathe, and rediscover your power.

Week Three