Thank you for your purchase. You can search the store to find the CD to download, learn about its creation, listen to samples, and, in some cases, learn about the songs themselves. Please follow these steps to insure your delivery.

  1. Your download is worth $9.99, enough to purchase any single CD. Choose one of the categories on the main page here: Core CDs, Theme CDs, Sound Alchemy CDs, or Youth Empowerment CDs. Click on the picture or the title to start your browsing.
  2. Once there you can explore all the CDs as described above.
  3. Add the CD to the cart. You are free to add additional CDs to the cart as well.
  4. When you go to check out, you will see your CD at its regular download price. Enter your code on your coupon and apply it. It will zero out the cost of your CD.
  5. Finalize your sale and the link will be sent to you in the email receipt.
  6. In the event that you have added more CDs then the code will deduct $9.99 from your grand total. You will be asked to provide a credit card to cover the additional purchases.
  7. If you purchased multiple download cards (each with a $9.99 value) then you can enter additional codes for the discount.
  8. Your card number will not expire until you have used it. It is a one time only code that is non-transferable.
  9. These cards will be available at all of Mark’s events from now on. If you would like to share your experience with others and get them the experience of Mark’s music, then you might want to consider giving a gift certificate. Follow the link at the store to do so.
Music Download Card Instructions