Block One   March 31-May 12, 2015
1. Transitioning from Piscean to Aquarian Times
2. Conscious Flow with the Cycles of Life
The Process of Self Creation
4. Clearing the Energetic Past
Multidimensional Living
6. Creating and Maintaining Relationship with Your Inner Child
Flowing with Emotion

Block Two    June 2-July 14, 2015
Accessing and Applying Cosmic law
2. Ascension
Breath, Voice, Word
4. I Am Soul
12 Ray Integration
6. The DNA Revelation
Working with the Akash

Block Three   September 1-October 13, 2015

1. Conscious Relationship with Gaia and more
2. Chakra Reunification
3. Tending Your Energy Garden
4. Embracing New Paradigms of Belief
5. Prayer: Conscious Connection
6. Sacred Sounds
7. Living as Love from an Activated Heart

Block Four   January 5- April 17, 2016
1. Accessing and Using Guidance
2. Being in Conscious Relationship
3. Being in a a State of Health
4. Abundance, Prosperity, and Manifestation
5. In the Infinite Now Moment of Power
6. New Strategies for Conscious Living
7. Oneness

Tools for the Times Archives
for Purchase and Download

Select the session you would like to purchase and download. After payment you will be sent to the support page with the support information form the class as well as the download button. Right click on the button and select Save As to place your file in a folder of your choice. May I suggest a new folder on your desktop named, Mark Stanton Welch: Tools for the Times. Each download session is $15.

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