Hung vajra peh

(By the power of will, through the spoken word, I invoke the thunderbolt of my Mind. Capable of clearing any space of negativity, physical, emotional, or spiritual. To clear the Earth’s layer of consciousness of negative energy)

Om dum durgayeh namaha    

(for protection and safety)

Om ram ramaya namaha  

(clears the solar current, down right side, and lunar current (left side) energy paths of bod. Powerful mantra for the solar plexus chakra)

Shanti prashanti sarva krodha upashamanti swaha

(for the elimination of anger)

San san jo lu bah yao woo (Chinese healing mantra)

Om gum ganapatiyea namaha 

(appeal to Ganesh to clear blockages on path to intentions. Om and salutations to the remover of obstacles for which Gum is the seed

Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Viche Namaha

 (Om and salutations to she who is radiant with power and wisdom. For confidence and inner strength)

Aham Prema

 (I Am Divine Love)

Shanti Praschanto sarva  baya upashamanti swaha  (D)

 (Invoking supreme peace, I surrender the quality of fear to its source in the higher and formless universal mind. Salutations)

Om mane padme hum  ( Bm A A E F#m…A F#m D E)

 (Hail to the jewel in the lotus. Represents the Infinite bound within the finite)

Shalom Alechem

 (May peace be with you)

Suh Htep Na

 (To cleanse/release past energetic attachments)

So Hawng
Balances mental and emotional energies. Unifies mental and emotional vibratory rate. A silent inner mantra.)

Mantras for use with early teens. Typical treatment is to speak them in singsong 108 times over a drone of music.